Author FAQ
I get lots of messages from readers and fellow authors, so I'm happy to answer some of them here! If you still need help please contact me here.
Reader Questions
First - I love this question! Reviews are SO important to authors. Even if it's just a quick sentence or two, reviews can encourage others to read my books!
You can post a review right here in my shop, as well as on Goodreads, or other retailers. Whether you enjoyed the book or not (totally fine!), thank you so much for taking the time to read and review!
I have a free short story available just for my newsletter subscribers! This story can be enjoyed whether you have read my books or not. Subscribe here to get your story!
Author Questions
Self-publishing, or independently publishing my book was a choice I made from the beginning - not a backup plan or last resort. I come from a family of entrepreneurs, and I've started businesses in the past. To me, the business side of publishing is just as fun as the writing!
Indie publishing has many advantages, such as control over my cover design and the content of my books, the ability to run and market my business the way I want, and higher royalty percentages (plus the ability to sell directly to my readers!).
My books go through a rigorous process of self-editing (multiple rounds!), beta readers, two rounds with a professional editor, and a final proofread. Many other indie authors do the same. I strive to create a great reading experience, regardless of how I'm published!
How exciting - don't ever give up on that dream! I have some great resources that have been a huge help to me along the way in my author career.
First, search for local writer's groups to join. If you're writing children's books or middle-grade, SCBWI is a great resource with local chapters.
It's no secret that I love to read, and that's how I love to learn! Here's a list of my favorite writing and publishing books.
The absolute BEST resource (in my opinion) for self-publishing is the 20Booksto50K Facebook group. This group and the conferences have been invaluable to me. Do a quick search for a wealth of information on all things self-publishing!
Feel free to contact me here, or connect with me on Instagram or Facebook. I love hearing from readers, and I'm happy to answer your questions!